.. _all_ebasmetadata: ************************* List of all EBAS Metadata ************************* .. list-table:: Title :header-rows: 1 * - Nasa Ames tag - NetCDF Tag * - `Data definition `_ - `ebas_data_definition `_ * - Data license - ebas_data_license * - Citation - ebas_citation * - `Set type code `_ - `ebas_set_type_code `_ * - `Timezone `_ - `ebas_timezone `_ * - `Timeref `_ - `ebas_timeref `_ * - `File name `_ - `ebas_file_name `_ * - Represents DOI - ebas_represents_doi * - Contains data from DOI - ebas_contains_doi * - `File creation `_ - `ebas_file_creation `_ * - Export state - ebas_export_state * - Export filter - ebas_export_filter * - `Startdate `_ - `ebas_startdate `_ * - `Revision date `_ - `ebas_revision_date `_ * - `Version `_ - `ebas_version `_ * - `Version description `_ - `ebas_version_description `_ * - `Input dataset `_ - `ebas_input_dataset `_ * - `Software `_ - `ebas_software `_ * - `Statistics `_ - `ebas_statistics `_ * - `Data level `_ - `ebas_data_level `_ * - `Period code `_ - `ebas_period_code `_ * - `Resolution code `_ - `ebas_resolution_code `_ * - `Sample duration `_ - `ebas_sample_duration `_ * - `Orig. time res. `_ - `ebas_orig_time_res `_ * - `Station code `_ - `ebas_station_code `_ * - `Platform code `_ - `ebas_platform_code `_ * - `Station name `_ - `ebas_station_name `_ * - `Station WDCA-ID `_ - `ebas_station_wdca_id `_ * - `Station GAW-ID `_ - `ebas_station_gaw_id `_ * - `Station GAW-Name `_ - `ebas_station_gaw_name `_ * - `Station AIRS-ID `_ - `ebas_station_airs_id `_ * - `Station other IDs `_ - `ebas_station_other_ids `_ * - `Station state/province `_ - `ebas_station_state_province `_ * - `Station land use `_ - `ebas_station_land_use `_ * - `Station setting `_ - `ebas_station_setting `_ * - `Station GAW type `_ - `ebas_station_gaw_type `_ * - `Station WMO region `_ - `ebas_station_wmo_region `_ * - `Station latitude `_ - `ebas_station_latitude `_ * - `Station longitude `_ - `ebas_station_longitude `_ * - `Station altitude `_ - `ebas_station_altitude `_ * - `Measurement latitude `_ - `ebas_measuremenet_latitude `_ * - `Measurement longitude `_ - `ebas_measurement_longitude `_ * - `Measurement altitude `_ - `ebas_measurement_altitude `_ * - `Measurement height `_ - `ebas_measurement_height `_ * - `Regime `_ - `ebas_regime `_ * - `Component `_ - `ebas_component `_ * - `Unit `_ - `ebas_unit `_ * - `Matrix `_ - `ebas_matrix `_ * - `Laboratory code `_ - `ebas_laboratory_code `_ * - `Instrument type `_ - `ebas_instrument_type `_ * - `Instrument name `_ - `ebas_instrument_name `_ * - `Instrument manufacturer `_ - `ebas_instrument_manufacturer `_ * - `Instrument model `_ - `ebas_instrument_model `_ * - `Instrument serial number `_ - `ebas_instrument_serial_number `_ * - Sensor type - ebas_sensor_type * - `Analytical laboratory code `_ - `ebas_analytical_laboratory_code `_ * - `Analytical measurement technique `_ - `ebas_analytical_measurement_technique `_ * - `Analytical instrument name `_ - `ebas_analytical_instrument_name `_ * - `Analytical instrument manufacturer `_ - `ebas_analytical_instrument_manufacturer `_ * - `Analytical instrument model `_ - `ebas_analytical_instrument_model `_ * - `Analytical instrument serial number `_ - `ebas_analytical_instrument_serial_number `_ * - Ext. lab. code - ebas_ext_lab_code * - `Method ref `_ - `ebas_method_ref `_ * - `Standard method `_ - `ebas_standard_method `_ * - `Calibration scale `_ - `ebas_calibration_scale `_ * - `Calibration standard ID `_ - `ebas_calibration_standard_id `_ * - `Secondary standard ID `_ - `ebas_secondary_standard_id `_ * - `Inlet type `_ - `ebas_inlet_type `_ * - `Inlet description `_ - `ebas_inlet_description `_ * - `Inlet tube material `_ - `ebas_inlet_tube_material `_ * - `Inlet tube outer diameter `_ - `ebas_inlet_tube_outer_diameter `_ * - `Inlet tube inner diameter `_ - `ebas_inlet_tube_inner_diameter `_ * - `Inlet tube length `_ - `ebas_inlet_tube_length `_ * - `Time from entry inlet line to entry of converter `_ - `ebas_time_from_entry_inlet_line_to_entry_of_converter `_ * - `Duration of stay in converter or bypass line `_ - `ebas_duration_of_stay_in_converter_or_bypass_line `_ * - `Duration of stay in converter `_ - `ebas_duration_of_stay_in_converter `_ * - `Converter temperature `_ - `ebas_converter_temperature `_ * - `Maintenance description `_ - `ebas_maintenance_description `_ * - `Flow rate `_ - `ebas_flow_rate `_ * - `Filter face velocity `_ - `ebas_filter_face_velocity `_ * - `Exposed filter area `_ - `ebas_exposed_filter_area `_ * - `Filter description `_ - `ebas_filter_description `_ * - `Medium `_ - `ebas_medium `_ * - Coating/Solution - ebas_coating_solution * - `Filter prefiring `_ - `ebas_filter_prefiring `_ * - `Filter conditioning `_ - `ebas_filter_conditioning `_ * - `Filter type `_ - `ebas_filter_type `_ * - `Sample preparation `_ - `ebas_sample_preparation `_ * - `Blank correction `_ - `ebas_blank_correction `_ * - `Artifact correction `_ - `ebas_artifact_correction `_ * - `Artifact correction description `_ - `ebas_artifact_correction_description `_ * - `Charring correction `_ - `ebas_charring_correction `_ * - `Ozone correction `_ - `ebas_ozone_correction `_ * - `Water vapor correction `_ - `ebas_water_vapor_correction `_ * - `Zero/span check type `_ - `ebas_zero_span_check_type `_ * - `Zero/span check interval `_ - `ebas_zero_span_check_interval `_ * - `Humidity/temperature control `_ - `ebas_humidity_temperaure_control `_ * - `Humidity/temperature control description `_ - `ebas_humidity_temperaure_control_description `_ * - `Volume std. temperature `_ - `ebas_volume_std_temperature `_ * - `Volume std. pressure `_ - `ebas_volume_std_pressure `_ * - `Detection limit `_ - `ebas_detection_limit `_ * - `Detection limit expl. `_ - `ebas_detection_limit_expl `_ * - Upper range limit - ebas_upper_range_limit * - `Measurement uncertainty `_ - `ebas_measurement_uncertainty `_ * - `Measurement uncertainty expl. `_ - `ebas_measurement_uncertainty_expl `_ * - `Zero/negative values code `_ - `ebas_zero_negative_values_code `_ * - `Zero/negative values `_ - `ebas_zero_negative_values `_ * - `Absorption cross section `_ - `ebas_absorption_cross_section `_ * - Mass absorption cross section - ebas_mass_absorption_cross_section * - Multi-scattering correction factor - ebas_multi_scattering_correction_factor * - `Maximum attenuation `_ - `ebas_maximum_attenuation `_ * - `Leakage factor zeta `_ - `ebas_leakage_factor_zeta `_ * - `Compensation threshold attenuation 1 `_ - `ebas_compensation_threshold_attenuation_1 `_ * - `Compensation threshold attenuation 2 `_ - `ebas_compensation_threshold_attenuation_2 `_ * - `Compensation parameter k min `_ - `ebas_compensation_parameter_k_min `_ * - `Compensation parameter k max `_ - `ebas_compensation_parameter_k_max `_ * - Coincidence correction - ebas_coincidence_correction * - Charge type - ebas_charge_type * - Inlet diffusion loss data - ebas_inlet_diffusion_loss_data * - CPC default pulse width - ebas_cpc_default_pulse_width * - `QA measure ID `_ - `ebas_qa_measure_id `_ * - `QA measure description `_ - `ebas_qa_measure_description `_ * - `QA date `_ - `ebas_qa_date `_ * - `QA outcome `_ - `ebas_qa_outcome `_ * - `QA bias `_ - `ebas_qa_bias `_ * - `QA variability `_ - `ebas_qa_variability `_ * - `QA document name `_ - `ebas_qa_document_name `_ * - `QA document date `_ - `ebas_qa_document_date `_ * - `QA document URL `_ - `ebas_qa_document_url `_ * - `Originator `_ - `ebas_originator `_ * - `Submitter `_ - `ebas_submitter `_ * - `Acknowledgement `_ - `ebas_acknowledgement `_ * - `Comment `_ - `ebas_comment `_